What is Planning Enforcement? Investigating possible breaches of planning control. Reporting a breach of planning control How to report a planning issue for investigation and details of what happens next. Adverts, signs and fly-posting If you are putting up signs, posters or any other form of advertisements then you may need Advertisement Consent. Unauthorised encampments This page sets out information on unauthorised camps, such as gypsy and traveller camps, and informs you on what to do if this happens to you. Untidy land and buildings If the local planning authority considers that the condition of land or buildings is having a harmful effect on the area, it may serve a Notice under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Car Boot Sales This page sets out which car boots sales are taking place in the district and general information for those looking to hold such events. Enforcement appeal cases A list of current and determined appeal cases from 2017 onwards. Parking Fines Parking tickets issued across South Staffordshire.
Reporting a breach of planning control How to report a planning issue for investigation and details of what happens next.
Adverts, signs and fly-posting If you are putting up signs, posters or any other form of advertisements then you may need Advertisement Consent.
Unauthorised encampments This page sets out information on unauthorised camps, such as gypsy and traveller camps, and informs you on what to do if this happens to you.
Untidy land and buildings If the local planning authority considers that the condition of land or buildings is having a harmful effect on the area, it may serve a Notice under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Car Boot Sales This page sets out which car boots sales are taking place in the district and general information for those looking to hold such events.