- Building or engineering works that do not have planning permission
- Change of use of land or buildings that does not have planning permission
- Failure to comply with planning conditions attached to a planning permission
- Unauthorised works to listed buildings
- Unauthorised works to protected trees
- Untidy land/buildings
- Unlawful display of advertisements
- Removal or pruning of protected trees and hedgerows without consent
- Adverts, signs and fly-posting
- Someone setting up camp on your land
The aim of planning enforcement is to monitor ongoing development and investigating possible breaches of planning control which are brought to our attention.
The council has powers to control unauthorised development and may take formal action in order to remedy a breach of planning control.
Enforcement action is discretionary and it must be in the public interest to take formal action.
Before contacting us
Certain developments do not require planning permission and therefore are permitted under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, commonly referred to as 'Permitted Development'.
For further information on Permitted Development, please visit the Planning Portal.
What we investigate and enforce against
What we do not investigate or enforce against
- Anonymous complaints
- Breach of covenant (civil matter)
- Land ownership
- Party walls and boundary fence disputes
- Complaints relating to roads, traffic or footpaths/ Parking and obstructions on a public highway
How to report a breach of planning control
After reading the above information, if you believe a breach of planning control has occurred this can be reported to the council for further investigation.
How to find out more
The council's enforcement policy provides guidance to officers, businesses and the general public on the range of options that are available to achieve compliance with legislation.
The council's Planning Enforcement Policy and procedures documents sets out what individuals and organisations can expect from the council, in the undertaking of its planning enforcement functions.