Payment can be made on the Council website.
Make a payment
Please use the site address as your reference if you do not have an application number.
Or you can pay by BACs.
Please use the site address or reference number when making a BACs payment and let us know if this has been your method of payment when submitting your application.
- Sort Code: 20-81-18
- Account number 23733254.
Please note Pre Application fees are not deducted from follow up Planning Application fees.
List of Pre Application Fees
Development type
Householder: includes applications for alterations and/or extensions to dwellings |
Householder: boundary treatment IE walls/gates/fences |
Advertisements: Hoardings |
Advertisements: Other adverts |
Other: proposals such as changes of use or agricultural buildings |
- 1–9 dwelling(s)
- Less than 1,000 square metres non-residential floorspace
- Site area less than 0.5 hectare
(+ £600 if a DTM is requested)
Small-scale major
- 10–30 dwellings
- 1,000–3,000 square metres non-residential floorspace
- Site area between 0.5 hectare and 2 hectares
(+ £600 if a DTM is requested)
Large-scale major
£2545.00 (+ £600 if a DTM is requested)
Large-scale major
- 100 – 199 dwellings
- More than 3,000 square metres non-residential floorspace
- Site area greater than 2 hectares
(+ £600 if a DTM is requested)
(Fee includes DTM)
Follow up Development Team Meeting (DTM) Agent/Applicant to follow advise of the case officer of original PREAPP for a follow up DTM
(No further notes provided, verbal update only)
- undertaken by a local community group or parish council.
- affecting trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order.
- to improve ease of access or quality of life for one or more disabled people.
- to alter, extend or demolish a listed building where planning permission is not also required.
Development Team Meeting (DTM)
For any Minor or Major pre application submitted, the agent/applicant can request a Development Team Meeting (DTM) which are held virtually via MS Teams.
At the DTM, the agent/applicant presents a short summary of the proposal to a panel of planning officers, and other specialists with an interest in the proposal. Relevant consultees will be present (as determined by the Local Planning Authority) as well as the planning case officer and manager. After the DTM, the agent/applicant will receive a written copy of the meeting minutes. Please note, site visits are not carried out for any type of pre application.
The DTM fee is in addition to the pre application fee, unless the pre application is a large scale major of 200+ dwellings where the DTM fee is included within the pre application fee.