Wolverhampton man fined £2482 for fly tipping in South Staffordshire Court sends strong message on waste crime Wolverhampton man fined £2482 for fly tipping in South Staffordshire Court sends strong message on waste crime
Man ordered to pay £1,500 after hidden camera reveals fly-tipping offence Man ordered to pay £1,500 after hidden camera reveals fly-tipping offence
Warning signs to put brakes on car cruisers in South Staffordshire Warning signs to put brakes on car cruisers in South Staffordshire
Fines for littering and fly-tipping hiked in zero-tolerance crackdown Fines for littering and fly-tipping hiked in zero-tolerance crackdown
Love your village: Keep South Staffs free of antisocial behaviour Love your village: Keep South Staffs free of antisocial behaviour
Pub owner banned from running food businesses after filthy conditions repeatedly found Pub owner banned from running food businesses after filthy conditions repeatedly found
Man made to pay £1,830 for fly-tipping on country lane Man made to pay £1,830 for fly-tipping on country lane