Discretionary Housing Payments

Struggling with housing costs?

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) are available to help people with their housing costs when their Housing Benefit or Universal Credit payments do not cover the full cost of their rent.

Payments made are in addition to any Housing Benefit, Universal Credit entitlement.

We only have a certain amount of money to spend on these payments, so the application form will help us to decide if a discretionary payment can be made to you. 

You will need to create an account and provide details of your income and all your outgoings so please ensure you have this information before you begin the application process.

You will also have to upload supporting documents before you can you can submit your application.

Discretionary Housing Payment

What can Discretionary Housing Payments cover?

A DHP can cover a number of housing-related costs including if: 

  • You are living in a property larger than required for your household size.
  • Your rent has been restricted by the Rent Officer or a Local Housing Allowance rate.
  • Your income is higher than the amount the government states you need to live on.
  • You are subject to the benefit cap.
  • You need extra financial help with your ongoing rent situation.
  • You need moving costs to move to more suitable accommodation.
  • You require rent in advance or a deposit to help you more to a more affordable property.

If you are over-accommodated and have extra bedrooms, we expect you to be working with Housing Options team to try and move to a property more suited to you or your family's needs before we can consider extra help.  

If there are other adults living in the property, we would expect them to contribute towards the shortfall in rent. 

What can Discretionary Housing Payments not cover?

  • Service charges that do not qualify for Housing Benefit, such as fuel, water or food.

  • Increases in rent due to rent arrears.

  • Benefit that has been suspended because you have failed to supply the information necessary for your claim.

  • A Universal Credit sanction as a result of non-attendance at a work-focused interview.

  • A weekly deduction taken from your entitlement to repay an overpayment.

Who can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment?

To be eligible for a DHP, you must be receiving Housing Benefit or the Housing Costs element of Universal Credit, and you must provide proof of your income and expenditure.  

If you do not provide supporting evidence, your application may be refused. 

If you are getting Council Tax Support but do not get Housing Benefit/Universal Credit, you will not be able to get assistance with your rent costs. 

How will the payments be made?

We will make the payment into your bank account or direct to your landlord. 

How to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment?

Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment

You must have your supporting evidence available as this will need to be uploaded when you submit the application.

This may include;

  • bank statements,
  • a rent statement/proof of rent arrears
  • section 21 notice if this has been issued
  • evidence of rent in advance or removal costs if required

Supporting evidence can be sent via email to welfaresupport@sstaffs.gov.uk.  

If you are unable to access the claim online, please email welfaresupport@sstaffs.gov.uk or ring 01902 696668 to book an appointment. 

Useful links 

You can also find Independent financial advice on the following websites: 

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