When trying to deal with debt, the advice is:
- Don't run away from your debts – the longer you leave them, the worse they are likely to get.
- Avoid borrowing more. There's a good reason why so many firms offer to lend you more money, and it's mainly to do with their own financial gain.
- Take advice, especially on secured loans. You could end up losing your home. Citizens Advice Bureau can be very helpful with debt advice.
- List your debts - prioritise them and pay off the most important first.
- Contact your creditors immediately – either telephone or write to them. You could be surprised at how helpful they can be.
- Don't ignore court papers and letters. Courts are there for your benefit too, and usually understand about personal debts. Most judgements are issued by default (without a hearing) because the debtor has not responded. It is important to attend any court hearings.
All recognised debt advisers should be trained to give you sympathetic confidential help and financial advice.
There is never any need to feel that your financial problems can't be solved. A financial adviser will help resolve your financial problems, not judge you.
Citizens Advice Staffordshire South West offers free advice for those in South Staffordshire.