Data Protection (Strategic Planning)

Strategic Planning's Data Protection Policies

Data Controller

South Staffordshire District Council at:

Council Offices

Wolverhampton Road


South Staffordshire


Tel: 01902 696000

is what is known as the ‘controller' of your personal data.

Data Protection Officer

Our ‘Data Protection Officer' is Lorraine Fowkes. She can be contacted at:

South Staffordshire District Council

Council Offices

Wolverhampton Road


South Staffordshire


Tel: 01902 696000

Email .

Purpose of Processing

As a service we process your personal data in the following ways:

Local Plans Database

To enable us to record your interest in local planning matters; and to fulfil our legal requirements to ensure that those who have made representations to consultations on local planning documents are kept informed of the progress of those documents.

Neighbourhood Planning

To enable us to record comments made at various stages of Neighbourhood Plan consultation, examination and adoption and to fulfil our legal requirements under the Regulations.

Public Consultations

Comments made to public consultations will be made available on the Council's website as soon as practicable after the consultation has ended. Comments will be redacted so that personal contact details and full addresses will be removed, leaving only name and village/town. If you do not wish your name to be made public, please contact the Local Plans Team.

Planning Inspectorate

To provide and exchange information, including personal data, between South Staffordshire Council and the Inspectorate, in respect of planning appeals, examinations and other casework types.

Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)

To enable us to record the existence and location of potential future development sites as well as to contact you in connection with your submission and to progress any potential development plans where appropriate.

Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Register

To contact you regarding your application to join the register; to enable us to record your interest in building or commissioning your own home in the district on the register; to fulfil our statutory requirements to meet the need arising from the register through local plan making processes and by giving suitable development permissions to enough suitable serviced plots of land in the area; and to contact you about serviced plots which become available in the district.

Consultations on Emerging Strategy Documents

To record your comments on draft strategies during consultations and inform you of progress towards adoption of the documents.

Empty Residential Properties

To enable us to keep you informed of progress with empty properties which you have reported to us and which we are working to bring back into occupation; and/or if you are the owner or have an interest in an empty property which we dealing with, to enable us to contact you to establish your plans for the property and outline the Council's intentions for any further action.

Historic Home Improvement Grants

To record the award and payment of grant monies by the Council (or an agency on behalf of the Council) towards improving the condition of your home, and deal with any issues that may arise following completion of works. NB: this relates to historic grants, there are currently no grant monies available for this purpose from the Council.

Warmer Homes Programme

To verify that applicants meet the criteria to qualify for help and funding opportunities approved by the Council and deal with any issues that may arise.

General Correspondence and Enquiries

To enable the Strategic Planning Team to respond to general correspondence and enquiries.

Legal Basis

Our legal basis for processing your ordinary personal data will be either that it is necessary to do so to perform a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us. In respect of any special data [health information etc.] processing this is necessary for the purposes of carrying out our obligations in the field of social security and social protection law.


Officers of the Strategic Planning Team and other officers within the council may receive/process your personal data where it is appropriate to do so. We may share information with other services in the Council where it is appropriate to do so.


We will process your information for up to 2 years or as long as there is a justifiable Council need to do so. Data relating to historic home improvement grants (see above) will be processed for up to 6 years following the final payment.

Your Rights- In Brief

If we process your personal data you may, depending on your circumstances have a right of access to it; to correct inaccurate information; to restrict our processing of it or to have your personal data erased.


Please speak to the Data Protection Officer in the first instance but if you have any concerns about the way we have processed your personal information then you can complain to the Information Commissioner.


Local Plans


Telephone: (01902) 696000

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