Planning Committee is made up of 18 Councillors, also known as Members, or Ward Members.
Meetings take place once a month, usually every third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm, however some dates may vary. You can see all Planning Committee dates and relevant documents using the link below.
Not all planning applications are discussed and decided at Planning Committee, usually only those which meet the following criteria:
- Applications called in by a Councillor
- Some applications which are contrary to planning policy
- Applications submitted by a member of staff
- Applications on Council owned land
If an application is being heard at Planning Committee, notifications will be sent directly to the applicant/agent of the application and any neighbours or members of the public who have officially submitted comments on the application. This will confirm the committee date along with details about speaking at planning committee.
Planning Committee is a public meeting and is open to anyone to attend in person to observe.
The meeting is recorded and can also be observed on the live online stream by members of the public via Microsoft Teams.
Once all Committee details have been finalised, we will provide a link on this page which will open a web version of Microsoft Teams in your web browser. There is no need to download or install Microsoft Teams to view the online stream.
Next committee details:
Date and Time | Tuesday 15th April 2025 - 6:30pm |
Venue | Council Chamber, Council Offices, Codsall WV8 1PX |
Live online stream (MS Teams) | Link to be provided here nearer committee. |
Applications going to Committee (please click the application number to view all submitted plans and documents) |
Committee Documents | TBC |