Legally, businesses must manage and dispose of their waste in a responsible manner. If done effectively, there are opportunities to reduce costs, help tackle climate change, fulfil environmental commitments, and improve efficiency and performance. It can also enhance your image and help retain staff and customers.
What is changing?
The law is changing in England which will require you / your workplace to recycle a core set of recyclable materials.
When is this happening?
By 31st March, 2025 – if you have 10 or more full-time equivalent (FTE) employees you must be compliant with the new legislation
By 31st March, 2027 – if you have fewer than 10 FTE employees in total across all of your premises.
What is the new legislation?
The new legislation in England requires waste and recycling to be separated:
- Food waste: Must be collected separately from other waste
- Dry mixed recycling: Includes paper, cardboard, plastics, metals, and glass
- General waste: Includes non-recyclable waste
Speak with your waste collector who will advise you what collections they are able to provide.
❱ Head over to Wrap who offer free waste management help for businesses, Including specific industry webinars and information for your business area https://businessofrecycling.wrap.ngo/
❱ Simpler recycling: workplace recycling in England guidance can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/simpler-recycling-workplace-recycling-in-england
❱ Or find out more in our below guidance leaflet.