The enterprise team supports and advises businesses across South Staffordshire.
Team manager Wayne Dutton has 17 years’ experience in economic development, having previously worked in the logistics sector.
“The council has an important role to play in facilitating the growth of our local economy and we understand that listening to our businesses and acting on what they tell us is a key part of this,” says Wayne.
“Whether we’re speaking to budding entrepreneurs, growing businesses, or multi-national companies, it’s equally rewarding knowing that by adapting our approach and bringing in our partner organisations we can support.
“I really enjoy the variety of the role and how we as a team are flexible in our approach to best fit the situation.
"For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was all about reacting quickly and getting the financial support to those businesses who needed it. At the same time, we were listening to what they were telling us, and we developed a support programme to bolster businesses’ resilience as we emerged to a new normal.
“The learning helped inform our approach to the new Enterprise in South Staffs programme and we have developed a package of support to help businesses continue to be resilient, innovative and successful.”
The enterprise team manages the following:
South Staffordshire Business Hub
The Business Hub is a one-stop-shop for South Staffordshire businesses to access support. We provide information and advice and can make introductions to a wide range of partners to support your business needs.
Business Partnership
The South Staffordshire Business Partnership brings together businesses, the council and support partners to build trusting relationships and to share knowledge and best practice.
The partnership has five objectives to support local businesses and our economy:
Engage with our business partners to understand the challenges and opportunities available.
Provide business support from the council and other partners through our Business Hub.
Bring together businesses and education to inspire young people and promote career opportunities.
Provide a platform to promote the diverse range of businesses in South Staffordshire.
Support the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the district.
The Business Partnership holds a series of free events throughout the year, including business clinics and themed networking events.
It’s free to become a member of the Business Partnership and keep up to date with the latest news, events and support.
To find out more visit Business Partnership | South Staffordshire District Council (sstaffs.gov.uk).
Enterprise in South Staffs Business Support Programme
Funded by the Government’s UK Shared Prosperity fund, Enterprise in South Staffs offers a comprehensive package of funded support programmes to businesses of all age, size and sector.
Whether starting a new business, growing an existing business, exploring innovation or reducing energy costs and emissions, there’s a programme to support.
To find out more about Enterprise in South Staffs, visit: www.sstaffs.gov.uk/south-staffordshire-business-hub.
Virtual High Street in South Staffordshire
The Virtual High Street was launched in South Staffordshire in March 2021 and was initially developed as a response to support local businesses during the challenge of Covid-19 restrictions.
The online platform is all about supporting local shopping and local consumer loyalty, enabling shoppers to browse and buy around the clock from shops and services across South Staffordshire.
Businesses can sign up for free at staffs.gov.uk/south-staffordshire-business-hub/virtual-high-street and will be supported by a dedicated account manager to develop their profile and start selling.
Some key facts and figures
In 2022/2023, the Business Hub provided direct advice and support to 184 South Staffordshire businesses.
Since its launch in June 2021, 170 businesses are now engaged with the South Staffordshire Business Partnership, holding nine themed networking events and business clinics.
106 businesses in the district now have a profile on the Virtual High Street online platform.
Contact the Business Hub
Email businesshub@sstaffs.gov.uk, call 01902 696000, or visit www.sstaffs.gov.uk/south-staffordshire-business-hub where you can sign up to our free, regular newsletter.
You can also keep up to date on the latest business news by following South Staffordshire Business Hub on Linkedin and Facebook.