It is not always necessary to have the benefit of a premises licence or club certificate. Where an event is to be a one off or an extension of hours is sought etc. it may be possible to simply give the council notice that the event is to take place.
Generally notice of the event should be given to the council and to the police/environmental health officer at least 10 working days before the first day of the event, although late notices can be applied for (see below).
Notice can be given that one or more licensable activities are to take place such as the sale of alcohol, the playing of recorded/ live music (where actually licensable) or the serving of food after 11.00pm. There are limits as to the number of people who can be at the premises at one time (max 499).
The event can last for up to 7 days.
There are limits as to how many notices can be given in respect of the same premises per year.
Guidance for when you need a Temporary Event Notice and how to make one can be found here. Please read the guidance before making an application.
How do I apply
A form needs to be completed and submitted to the council this can be done online.
Apply for a Temporary Event Notice
A fee of £21 is payable.
It is good practice to 'risk assess' your event and give thought to how you are going, where appropriate, to prevent crime and disorder; prevent a public nuisance, ensure public safety and protect any children from harm. The police/ environmental health officer will want to be satisfied that any risks have been identified and can be controlled.
It is open to the police/environmental health officer to object to your event going ahead. This can be due to concerns that any of the licensing objectives may not be promoted. If they do then there will need to be a meeting of the sub-committee to decide whether the event goes ahead or not.
It is possible to give a late notice to the council and others. This is known as a late TEN. This can be done up to 5 days before the first day of the event. This should be avoided if possible as if the police and/ or environmental health officer object then the event will not go ahead. Further information about late TEN's can be found here.
If you are advertising your event by putting up signs, posters or advertisements then you may require planning permission.