Running a Scrap Metal Dealing Business

In this section, you will find further information relating to Running a scrap metal dealing business

Which type of licence do I require?

You'll need a licence to run a business as a scrap metal dealer.  Trading without a licence is a criminal offence.  

There are two types of licence you can apply for: 

Site licence 

All sites where you are running a business as a scrap metal dealer must be licensed and a site manager will need to be named for each site.  This licence will allow you to transport scrap metal to and from those sites from any local council area. 

Collectors licence 

A collector's licence will allow you to operate as a collector in the area of the issuing local council.  It doesn't allow you to operate in any other local council area and you'll need a separate licence from each area you want to collect in.  

A collector's licence doesn't authorise you to operate a site, you'll need a site licence for this. 

Please be aware that a dealer can only hold one type of licence in any one local council area.  You will need to decide whether you are going to have a site or a collector's licence in any one area

How to apply

Please see the download section to obtain your application form to apply for a new licence or renew a licence.

You must submit the following with each application to the email/address below:

  • Basic Disclosure Certificate no older than 3 months old - you can obtain one at
  • A coloured passport sized photograph of each person who is to be named on the licence
  • Supporting ID documents for each person named on the application (See application form)
  • An Upper Tier Waste Carrier’s licence from the Environment Agency (only if you carry waste)
  • Confirmation of your tax obligations
  • HMRC Tax Check Code which you can obtain from if you:
    • are applying to renew a licence
    • already have a licence of the same type that is still valid
    • have a licence of the same type that ceased to be valid less than a year ago

From 4 April 2022 you must confirm you are aware of your tax responsibilities if you’re an individual, company or any type of partnership.  You can find out further information on HMRC Tax Check and follow the tax check guidance at

Renewing your licence

You will need to apply to renew your site or renew your collector's licence every three years if you want to continue running the business.  

You must also tell us within 28 days if you change your trading name or no longer carry on business as a scrap metal dealer. 




Scrap Metal Collector Licence


Scrap Metal Site Licence


Scrap Metal - change of site manager


Scrap Metal - change of details


Please note that tacit consent does not apply to Scrap Metal Dealer applications. 

Email completed applications to: 

Or alternatively send via post to: 

Environmental Health & Licensing

South Staffordshire Council 

Council Offices 


South Staffordshire 

WV8 1PX 

Processing and timescales 

All scrap metal dealer licence applications are subject to a 28-day consultation period. Following the end of this period, the licence will be determined within 28 days. 

What is the current legislation?

Complaints about scrap metal dealer

If you have a complaint about a scrap metal dealer please email us at

View the public register for scrap metal dealers

To view the register please email your request to

Report a suspected illegal vehicle dismantler or scrap yard

All vehicle dismantlers & scrap yards have to be licensed by the Local Council To check a company click the link below to find out the licensing requirements for vehicle dismantlers & scrap yards. 

Environment Agency Public Register 

If, after having checked, you can't find a vehicle dismantler or scrap yard then they may be operating illegally. 

Contact your local Council to give them the details and they will check for you. 

Please provide as much information as you can, as this makes identifying the operator that much easier. 

Ideally we need the following information: 

  • Company name 
  • Company address 
  • Company website 
  • Company eBay account name/ link (if selling parts on eBay) 
  • eBay item number (if selling parts on eBay) 
  • Facebook address (if advertising for scrap cars or selling parts on Facebook) 
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