This strategy sets out how South Staffordshire Council and partners will ensure everyone in the district is able to access a home that is suitable for them, and how the council will meet its statutory homelessness duties.
Housing and Homelessness Strategy
Core Strategy
This is Part 1 of the adopted Local Plan, which sets out the planning framework for South Staffordshire. The Core Strategy includes policies on how planning applications for housing developments will be considered.
Affordable Housing & Housing Mix Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The council has a strong track record of delivering affordable homes and the SPD sets out the council's expectations in relation to the provision of housing in the district. This provides clarity for landowners, developers, registered providers and residents and ensures a consistent approach is taken between sites across the district.
Affordable Housing and Housing Mix SPD 2014
An updated SPD has been drafted and was consulted on in late 2019. Having considered responses to the consultation and progress with the council’s Local Plan Review, a revised draft will now be produced to accord with the housing policies in the new Local Plan. A public consultation on this revised draft will be held in due course.
Housing Market Assessment
The council’s Housing Market Assessment reviews the local housing market and determines the range of housing need across the district, to inform policy and planning application decisions.
Housing Assistance Policy
This policy outlines a range of financial and other assistance available for repairs, improvements and adaptations to housing in South Staffordshire.
Data Protection
The Strategic Planning Team manages and maintains a register of persons who have an interest in local planning documents (Local Plan Database); those who wish to register their interest or land for future development on our Self and Custom Build Register and/or Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA); those who have commented on emerging Council strategy documents; and information regarding historic home improvement grants and empty properties. In order to do this in an effective way we will need to collect and use personal information about you. For more information about how we process this data see Strategic Planning Team - Data Protection.