Apply for housing

Information on how to join the council's housing register.

What Housing Services are responsible for

Housing Services are responsible for delivering the council's statutory frontline homelessness and housing advice services, in line with the Housing Act 1996 (Parts VI and VII) and Homeless Reduction Act 2017, providing the service to all residents of the district. 

The council no longer owns and manages its own housing stock - this was transferred to South Staffordshire Housing Association on March 10th, 1997.

Households whom we owe a duty under homelessness legislation, will be nominated for one property with one of the housing associations that operates within the area.

The team has a strategic role as it has responsibility for development of the council's Homelessness Strategy, and implementation of its action plan. 

The work of the Housing Services team is mainly statutory in its nature and is governed by the following legislation: 

  • Housing Act 1996 (Parts VI and VII) 
  • Homeless Reduction Act 2017 
  • Protection from Eviction Act 1977 

Aims of the service 

The service has three key aims: 

  • Ensuring that good quality housing advice and information is available at the appropriate time to prevent residents becoming homeless, and to enable them to make informed choices as to their future housing options. 
  • Ensuring that those households most in need are able to access good quality affordable housing either through its nomination agreements with housing associations, or within the private rented sector. 
  • Protection of private tenants from landlord harassment and illegal eviction. 

Applying for housing 

You can apply to join our housing register on our online Customer Portal.

You will also be able to upload your documents and see the progress of your application 

For general enquires you can fill out our online form here

Housing in South Staffordshire 

Our Allocations Policy has been designed to improve access to affordable rented homes owned by housing associations within the South Staffordshire area.

The policy aims to simplify the way in which residents can rent a home and considers the date that they registered with the council. They will be assessed for housing need and personal links to the district and advised which of the priority bands they fall within. 

Each Wednesday, properties will be advertised on the Customer Portal, those who are on the register can then bid on a property to express an interest.  

View useful information on bidding and nominations

View our current Allocations Policy 

There is also a consultation on proposed changes to the Allocations Policy running from Monday 6th January 2025 to Monday 31st January where you can view the proposed changes and share your views. 

Housing Associations

Housing Associations are independent not-for-profit landlords regulated by the Homes and Communities Agency.

By working in partnership with local authorities and others they contribute to the success of communities by providing decent, affordable homes. 

About half of their funding for new homes comes from the public purse and the rest they raise privately.

Housing associations provide around 1.8 million homes in England, making a vital contribution to meeting local housing needs. 


Housing Associations provide their tenants with ‘Assured' tenancies. These were established under the 1988 Housing Act and are similar to the secured tenancies offered by a local authority. 

Some Housing Associations provide specialist housing for people with special needs, such as homes for the elderly. Most Housing Associations have a range of properties to reflect the general housing need of the area. 

If you wish to be nominated for a particular Housing Association development or property, you must ensure your name is on the Housing Register.

Vacant properties are strictly allocated to applicants in the greatest need, who require that type of accommodation in that area. 

Low cost home ownership 

Housing Associations can offer help for those who cannot afford full mortgage payments but wish to buy a property.

Traditionally called shared ownership or low cost home ownership, the Government has now introduced help to buy. 

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