A food business should follow advice and actions required from the last inspection report.
A good food hygiene rating can help you keep your customers.
Eating out? Getting food in? Check the food hygiene rating of your favourite place to eat.
The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme gives you information about the hygiene standards in restaurants, pubs, cafes, takeaways, supermarkets, and other places you like to go to eat out or shop for food.
If you are a food business and would like more information about the scheme or if you've received a good rating and would like some help promoting your success: Food Hygiene Toolkit - a How to guide
A food business should follow advice and actions required from the last inspection report.
A good food hygiene rating can help you keep your customers.
A food business operator (FBO) also has a 'right to reply'. This enables the FBO to give an explanation of the actions they have taken to put things right regarding any non-compliances, or explain why standards were as they were at the time of the inspection that may have led to a low food hygiene rating. The 'right to reply' is not to complain about or criticise an inspecting officer.
A 'right to reply' must be submitted using a right to reply form.
Requests for re-ratings apply to establishments that have a rating of '0' to '4'
Your request will need to be in writing. You can do this by completing the re-rating request form
and sending it to the officer who originally carried out the inspection.
You can also email the form to env.commercial@sstaffs.gov.uk or post it to:
South Staffordshire Council
Environmental Health & Licensing
Food and Safety Team
Council Offices
South Staffordshire
You can make a request for a re-rating at any time after the initial inspection provided that actions needed to improve legal requirement have been carried out.
When completing the form, it is important that you explain what actions you have taken on the issues raised at your last inspection and you should include supporting evidence, for example, receipts or photographs to show that work has been completed. This is important as we could refuse your request if you do not provide sufficient information and evidence.
South Staffordshire Council charge for requests received following the initial inspection of the business. The re-rating visit will not be undertaken unless the written request and the payment have been received. The current fee is £242. You can apply for a re-rating using the below form.
Payment is by:
The re-rating visit will be unannounced and will not only assess whether the required improvements have been made, but will also assess the level of compliance that is found overall at the time of the re-rating visit.
Please Note - the food hygiene rating could go up, go down or remain the same.
It is important that businesses put in place food hygiene measures and manage their businesses at all times. You will then be notified of your food hygiene rating, in writing within 14 days of the inspection.
5 - hygiene standards are very good
4 – hygiene standards are good
3 – hygiene standards are generally satisfactory
2 – some improvement is necessary
1 – major improvement is necessary
0 – urgent improvement is required
A business can receive rating from 5 to 0 which is displayed at their premises and online so you can make more informed choices about where to buy and eat food.
The food hygiene rating reflects the hygiene standards found at the time the business is inspected by a food safety officer. These officers are specially trained and qualified to assess food hygiene standards.
Frequently asked questions about the food hygiene rating scheme.