We have three litter picking teams spread geographically throughout the district carrying out a range of operations on a daily basis five days per week.
Litter Picking
Leaf Collection
Following the fall of leaves in the autumn, several ‘hot-spot' locations are attended where large accumulations of leaves are removed. These generally are on footpaths adjacent to the highway.
Litter and Dog Waste Bins
900 bins are located around the district for residents to dispose of litter and dog waste. These bins are designed so that offensive waste is better contained, but dog waste that is bagged can also be placed in litter bins.
You can report full and overflowing litter and dog waste bins to us via our Online Form
Removal of Fly-Tipping
It is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for any person to fly tip rubbish on any land in the open air. We take fly-tipping seriously and where there is sufficient evidence we will seek to prosecute offenders. If found guilty of the offence at Crown Court the offender may be liable for a fine of up to £50,000 and up to five years imprisonment.
We cannot remove fly-tipping on private land but may take action if there is sufficient evidence.
You can report fly-tipping to us via our Online Form
Removal of Dead Animals
We will remove dead animals from public land upon request. We will also scan any pets and if a microchip is present and contains the correct information we will contact the owner who will be offered the opportunity to collect their pet. Deceased pets that we collect are taken to the Council Depot on Lane Green Road, Bilbrook, WV8 1LR. Any deceased pets not collected within 24 hours will be disposed of by the Council. We will not remove deceased pets from private properties.
We will not remove small dead animals including squirrels and birds from public land.
You can report dead animals on public land via our Online Form
Dog Fouling
The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 requires people to pick up after their dogs and failure to do this may result in the issue of a fixed penalty notice of £50. If this is not paid then you may be taken to court where the fine can be up to £1,000. Most public areas within South Staffordshire, including most footpaths, are covered by the Act.
You can report dog fouling via our Online Form
We will remove graffiti from buildings and public land that we are responsible for. Whilst we are not responsible for removing graffiti on private buildings, we will endeavour to make the owner aware when reports are received.
We aim to remove offensive graffiti, defined as that which is racially offensive and/or hostile to a religious group, sexually offensive, homophobic, depicts a sexual or violent act or is defamatory, within 24 hours.
You can report graffiti via our Online Form
Installation of Street Name Plates
We are responsible for maintaining and repairing street name plates and village signs. You can visit the Staffordshire County Council website who are responsible for road traffic and directional signs.
You can report street and village name plates via our Online Form
Weed Spraying (including Japanese Knotweed sites)
Weed spraying is carried out three times per year along the edges of pathways on our open spaces. Known Japanese Knotweed on our own land is also sprayed three times per year, thus removing the need to stem inject every stem.
Himalayan Balsam Prevention
The Council owns land which requires work with the cutting down of Himalayan Balsam. This work is carried out twice per year in May and August as long as the ground is not boggy.