Public Consultation- Social Housing
We have launched a 12-week public consultation on proposed changes to the Social Housing Allocations Policy
For further details and to have your say
Find out about the Impact Community Carbon Calculator and how it can be used
Impact Community Carbon Calculator is the parish-level carbon emission estimator. This gives Parishes and small communities usable data on their carbon emissions that is easy to interpret and easy to share. The Community Carbon Calculator tells you how people in the parish, travel and heat their homes along with other activities in the area that contribute to the local carbon emissions total.
Impact identifies the main ‘carbon impact areas' in the Parish or town – those places where focused community-based action can make the biggest contribution to cutting local emissions. With the use of Impact Community Carbon Calculator, Parishes can focus efforts in specific areas to collectively tackle reducing the carbon emissions.
For more information on Impact Community Carbon Calculator please visit: Impact | Community carbon calculator