South Staffordshire District Council of The Council Offices, (telephone
number 01902 696000) is what is known as the ‘controller’ of your
personal data.
Data Controller
Data Protection Officer
Our ‘Data Protection Officer’ is Lorraine Fowkes. She can be contacted at
the address and via the number given above.
Purpose of Processing
As an organisation we process your personal data to enable us to progress any complaint you make to us which may include investigating matters and by reference to records we keep and with the involvement of other officers.
Legal Basis
Our legal basis for processing your ordinary personal data will be either that it is necessary to do so to perform a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.
Officers within planning enforcement/ planning/ environmental health, the
police, highways department of the county council, parish and district
councillors, environment agency etc.
We will process your information indefinitely as it will form part of the planning enforcement file.
Your rights- in brief
If we process your personal data you may, depending on your circumstances have a right of access to it; to correct inaccurate information; to restrict our processing of it or to have your personal data erased.
Please speak to the Data Protection Officer in the first instance but if you
have any concerns about the way we have processed your personal
information then you can contact the Information Commissioner at:
Wycliffe House
Water Lane