Council Tax Band Reduction may apply on properties that have been permanently adapted to assist residents with disabilities.
If you or someone who lives with you is a disabled person and your property has been permanently adapted to help with their condition, you may be entitled to a reduction in your Council Tax. Someone is considered a disabled person if their illness, injuries or disability are substantial and not likely to improve.
The property is classed as being permanently adapted when either:
- There is a second kitchen or bathroom which is required to meet the needs of the disabled person. For example a second kitchen has been installed where the work surface is lower to allow a person using a wheelchair to use it fully; or an additional bathroom has been installed with specialist equipment such as hoists or grab bars to assist the disabled resident); or
- There is a room, other than a bathroom or kitchen which is required for meeting the needs of the disabled person. By the use of the expression 'required for meeting the needs of the disabled person' this means anything which is essential or of major importance to the disabled person's wellbeing by reason of the nature and extent of that person's disability. There must be a causative link between the room and the person's disability. Therefore the predominant use of that room must be specifically linked to their disability and needs e.g. a room containing equipment such as a dialysis machine, room used for therapy, braille equipment, specialist lighting etc. will link the person, their disability and the need for that room; or
- The disabled person needs to use a wheelchair in the property, and there is enough floor space to allow this. A wheelchair is not considered as required for meeting the needs of an individual resident if they do not use it within the dwelling
We may need to visit your property to assess whether or not any of the above criteria have been met prior to making a decision regarding this reduction. If you do apply for this reduction, please ensure you provide an up to date telephone number so that we can ring you to arrange an inspection if necessary.
Additional information
Please be aware that having a disabled person resident in your property does not automatically entitle you to a reduction.
Please also be aware that changes to the property, or activities such as:
- putting in a stair lift
- putting in grab rails or ramp access
- putting in movable equipment (commode etc)
- using another lavatory, or
- using a ground floor room as a bedroom
do not necessarily mean you would get this reduction, unless at least one of the three permanently adaptations listed above are also present.
If a reduction is granted, your bill will be based on the band immediately below that shown for your property in the valuation list. For example, a Band C property would receive a reduction to bring the charge down to the equivalent of a Band B property. If you qualify and your property is valued at Band A, a reduction of 1/6th of the Council Tax for that band (which is equal to 1/9th of the current Band D charge) will be awarded.
How to apply
The application must be made by the person who pays council tax at the property, which does not need to be the person with the disability. To apply, download and fill in an Application for Disablement Relief. To complete this form you will require name, address, council tax account reference number, information relating to the disabled person and type of disability