Our commitment to customer care

At South Staffordshire Council, we are committed to providing the highest standard of customer care regardless of how you choose to contact us.

We believe the best way of achieving this is by investing in our systems and ensuring that our team members are equipped to make a practical and meaningful difference to the lives of our customers living and working in our district. 

Our new ‘Customer Promise’ aims to fulfil our ambition to make everyone’s experience of contacting the Council a positive one, whether you are a resident, business, partner, or supplier.

Your customer experience should always be simple and convenient no matter who you are contacting and how you are contacting us.

To find out more about our Customer Promise to you please click here.

To understand our service standards please see below.

We have also updated our customer feedback policy. To view this please click here

We Will Be There For You

  • If you contact us by telephone, we aim to answer your call within 10 minutes. When we experience a high demand on our services, we aim to answer within 15 minutes.
  • If you contact us via email, social media or letter, you will receive a response within 3 working days and an acknowledgement within 1 working day. Some services will have different service response times due to the complex nature of the contact, for example Planning Services. You can find out more about our service specific response times on our website.
  • You will be greeted in a friendly, professional, and welcoming way.
  • You can contact us by telephone or visit us in person at Codsall Community Hub weekdays 9am - 5pm except for Wednesdays when we open 10am - 5pm due to Customer Services staff training.
  • We aim to provide all the information you need to self-serve on our website, which is available all day, every day.
  • We will always aim to resolve your query at the first point of contact. If this isn’t possible, we will signpost to the relevant partner.
  • Your information will be handled sensitively and securely. We will treat it like it is our own - only collecting and storing if relevant where we need to.
  • Our staff will receive regular training and development on ‘Our Customer Promise’.
  • If you visit us without an appointment and we are unable to deal with your enquiry on the day, we will offer you a telephone call back service within 3 working days where we aim to deal with your enquiry over the telephone or make you a face-to-face appointment within 5 working days.

Keeping You Informed

  • When you contact us, we will let you know when you can expect an answer.
  • If something is going to take longer than expected, we will let you know and provide an update as soon as possible.
  • We will celebrate and showcase success across the whole Council.
  • We have a variety of e-communication services you can join to keep informed with the latest news. Sign up to our e-communication services here and follow us on social media.

Working Together

  • We will listen to you so we understand your point of view and will acknowledge your concerns.
  • We will apologise if we get it wrong and learn from our mistakes.
  • We will use your feedback to continuously improve our services, capturing key anonymised information that we will use when planning our services.
  • We will let you know of any changes to the way we operate and may seek your views on new ways of working.

How You Can Help Us

  • Treat us with respect and understand we will not tolerate abusive language or threatening behaviour.
  • Provide all the information we need to best help you.
  • Create a ‘My Login’ account here to report issues directly to us and access a range of service – anytime, anywhere.
  • Complete our surveys when we send them out including the annual Residents’ Survey, available on our website every Autumn.
  • Provide us with feedback here so we can improve our services.

Specific Service Standards

Welfare Services

Enquiry Type Response Within Response Type
Reporting a change that affects your Council Tax or Business Rates 14 Working Days Revised Council Tax or Business Rates bill
Homelessness enquiry 1 Working Day Initial phone call then follow up interview as required (Out of Hours emergency support available)
New Claim for Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support 15 days of all supporting information being provided Notification of award of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support
Reporting a change in circumstances that affects your Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support 6 days of all supporting information being provided Notification of change in entitlement of Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support


Leisure Services

Enquiry Type Response Within Response Type
General enquiry regarding leisure activities received via email

5 working days

Initial acknowledgement via automated email response setting out timescales

Details of enquiry provided

Enquiry regarding booking of facilities received via email

5 working days

Initial acknowledgement via automated email response setting out timescales

Details of availability of facilities and prices provided

Enquiry regarding Swim Academy received via email

5 working days

Initial acknowledgement via automated email response setting out timescales

Details of enquiry provided


Environmental Health and Licensing

Enquiry Type Response Within Response Type
Request for service  We will tell you when you can expect a substantive response

Tell you when you can expect a substantive response.

Seek to fully understand the nature of your request.

Explain what we may or may not be able to do, so that you know what to expect.

Keep you informed of progress throughout our involvement.

Provide clear advice where appropriate.

Inform you of the outcome as appropriate


Street Scene and Community Safety

Enquiry Type  Response Within Response Type 
General enquiry regarding received via email to bereavement inbox 10 working days

Initial acknowledgement via automated email response setting out timescales

Details of enquiry provided

General enquiry regarding received via CEM 10 working days

Initial acknowledgement via automated email response setting out timescales – would need to be sent by Customer Services

Details of enquiry provided

General enquiry regarding received via email to environment crime inbox 10 working days

Initial acknowledgement via automated email response setting out timescales

Details of enquiry provided

General enquiry received via community safety inbox 10 working days

Initial acknowledgement via automated email response setting out timescales

Details of enquiry provided if possible or customer sign posted to relevant agency


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