We welcome customer comments, compliments and complaints. See how to get in touch and leave feedback below.
South Staffordshire Council is committed to being a customer-focused organisation and wants to work with customers to develop and improve services.
The way we handle customer feedback is a key component in this process and we welcome customer feedback, compliments, complaints to learn from and to help put things right when they go wrong.
We want you to tell us:
- If you think we have done something well
- If you have any feedback about our services
- If we don't get it right for you
Complaints that fall outside of this procedure:
Complaints where legislation and limits apply
For example, planning appeals, housing decisions, benefit entitlement, and revenue reductions cannot be considered.
Staffordshire County Council services:
- Roads, footpaths, street lighting, potholes
- Children's and Adult Social Services
- Schools
- School Placements
If you wish to raise any issues with these services, please visit staffordshire.gov.uk
Housing complaints
For property maintenance issues, please contact your landlord.
Complaints about a councillor or member of council staff
If you are unhappy about the way a member of the council has behaved, you can complain to the council's Monitoring Officer by emailing: monitoring_officer@sstaffs.gov.uk
How we handle complaints
If you make a complaint, we will:
- Always try to resolve it informally with you first, either by phone or in person.
- Acknowledge your complaint within three working days of receipt, if we cannot resolve it informally.
- Ensure your complaint is taken seriously and is responded to by the relevant manager or the director, dependent on the circumstances (also please see ‘unreasonable complaints’ attached below).
- Investigate your complaint and aim to provide a full response within 10 working days.
- Let you know if your complaint is complicated and if we need more time, and also when you can expect a full response.
- Let you know what to do if you are still not satisfied and your rights of appeal where appropriate. If you do appeal, we will investigate thoroughly and aim to provide a full response within 20 working days of receipt.
If you are complaining about highways and roads, please contact Staffordshire County Council Highways department 0300 111 8000 or email highways@staffordshire.gov.uk
Do not use this form to report missed bins, please ring 01902 696000 or email info@sstaffs.gov.uk Please note, if your bin has been missed this must be reported to us by 5pm the next working day.
We will acknowledge your feedback within three working days.