Compliance Stage
If the Business rate debt is sent to an enforcement agent, they will send a notice requesting payment in full. A £75.00 fee will be added to the debt. If you cannot pay in full, you will need to contact the enforcement agent to discuss a payment arrangement.
Enforcement Stage
The enforcement agent will visit the property to collect the debt outstanding. At this stage, a minimum of £235 in fees will be added to the account. If you owe more than £1500 a further 7.5% will be added.
If you are unable to pay in full, the enforcement agent will:
- Make a list of your goods
- Make a controlled goods agreement with you
- Agree on a payment arrangement ti clear the debt within a maximum of 6 months
You should make a payment arrangement with the enforcement agent and provide details of your income and outgoings if asked to do so.
If you are out when the enforcement agent calls, they will leave details for you to contact them. You should contact them straightaway to avoid further action being taken.
Controlled Goods Agreement
This is an agreement which allows you to keep the goods listed by the enforcement agent as long as you keep to the agreed payment arrangement. If you fail this arrangement, you will be given 7 days to bring your payments up to date.
Subsequent visits
If the enforcement agent has obtained a controlled goods agreement and you fail to keep to your payment arrangement, the enforcement agent will call again and may take away the items listed in the controlled goods agreement.
What goods can be taken?
The Enforcement Agent can only take goods that belong to you. This does not include:
- Fixtures and fittings
- Goods on hire purchase
- Goods which are rented
- items necessary for use in connection with your employment - 'tools of the trade' if their value is less than £1350
- business necessities
If goods are seized, the sale of goods stage attracts further costs including fees (£110) to cover the removal of goods and the costs of re-selling them, plus a further percentage fee (7.5%) for debts above a certain value.
Fees are non-negotiable and the only way to avoid them is to pay the balance in full or set-up and maintain a payment arrangement
If the Enforcement Agents are unsuccessful in collecting the debt then South Staffordshire Council could commence action to make you bankrupt or your company insolvent. Ultimately if you do not have limited company liability the Council can make an application for you to be committed to prison.
Independent Advice
If you are having financial difficulties the Citizens Advice Bureau has advisers who are available to discuss debt issues.
The National Debt line provides free confidential and independent advice on how to deal with debt problems.
If you require further assistance, please contact the Business Rates Department by email: or by telephone: 01902 696669
If you would like to register for self-service where you can access information on your Business rates account please follow this link:- self service